by GrabOne | May 24, 2011 | Uncategorised
Ten months ago, GrabOne New Zealand hosted an online party complete with imaginary party poppers and one of those massive nets packed with balloons that splits at the perfect moment and spills its guts all over the heaving crowd below. (Disclaimer: the author may or...
by GrabOne | May 16, 2011 | Uncategorised
Introducing GrabOne Escapes – premium holidays at fantastic prices! For a while now, GrabOne has been filling your calendar with awesome deals on things to eat, see and do around New Zealand. But for a while now we’ve been thinking, what about those of you who...
by GrabOne | May 4, 2011 | Uncategorised
Having emigrated to New Zealand from the UK last year, I was forced to recognise an unpalatable truth – to get to where I really want to get in New Zealand, I’d have to learn to drive rather than rely on public transport. Eek! So when eDrive, a virtual driver...
by GrabOne | Apr 28, 2011 | Uncategorised
Celebrating O-N-E M-I-L-L-I-O-N GrabOne Coupons! UPDATE: We’ve found the Grabbie who has grabbed the Millionth Coupon, and surprised her with with $500 in GrabOne Credit! We’re stoked to announce that GrabOne has sold one million coupons. For a daily...
by GrabOne | Apr 20, 2011 | Uncategorised
Ahhh, Easter. It’s a fantastic time – Autumn’s in full swing, there’s a generous bunny jumping from house to house laying chocolate eggs (I think) just so we get to indulge in a day or two of chocolatey bliss. Here at GrabOne it’s a different story....
by GrabOne | Apr 11, 2011 | Uncategorised
5.41am . Alarm squeals. Smack snooze button with unnecessary force. Listen to radio until 6am, hear our GrabOne ads live on the air. Choice. Sleepwalk to shower. 6.30am. Hit the motorway, sipping coffee from leaky travel mug. Pass other motorists also dealing with...