Hey hey it’s Holidays!

What’s not to love about holidays? Sun, sand, Pōhutukawas in bloom and time off to relax. But there is one draw back to all of this – knowing that, while you’re indulging in summer time, a power of email flooding your inbox to overflowing.

I know I’m going to have to scroll through endless amounts on my first day back – and it frightens me just a little! Clearing hundreds of out of date emails isn’t the most exciting way to kick off a new year. Soooo our development boffins have come up with something a little special…


How To “Take a Break”… But Only If You Want To.

Simply visit the subscriptions page in your profile and take a wee break from GrabOne for one, two or three weeks – it’s up to you. Just tell us how long you’re away for and we’ll stop emails coming your way, then restart them when you want them to magically reappear. A clearer inbox at the beginning of the year is bound to make you happier about returning to work after the holidays, right?

Go Mobile Instead and Get GrabOne On The Go.

Worried about missing out on GrabOne’s deals altogether? Don’t be – while you’re on holiday GrabOne will still be hunting down the best deals the country over. Visit the GrabOne website from your computer or get them on the go with from mobile, where ever you may be.

Visit our mobile page to find the right solution for you.