Well a long weekend is finally upon us, and with 3 days to spend with your family, friends or significant other you’d hope you had a few ideas as to what to do, where to go and how to amuse yourself in case horror upon horror your plans fall through. So we’ve done the thinking for you and came up with these top 5 tips of things to do over the weekend in case you forget about checking what’s on Grab One.
- Find a really, really big rope and proceed to tangle up your furniture, a few appliances and your kids in a room and challenge them to find theire way out of it.
- Fill up the bath, the sink, the dog bowl and the paddling pool…in fact every object able to contain that good stuff and tell everyone today your place is the local aquatic centre.
- Drive like a maniac around West Auckland pretending your racing in the Formular 1 and make your very first cameo appearance on Police 10/7.
- Go down to the river, find some nice rocks, put them in your oven, put on a Swedish accent and treat your wife to a very special massage.
- Devote the weekend towards inventing your own sunless tanning range out of household cleaning products.
What would you recommend doing this weekend if you didn’t have Grab One?