By now you would have seen our April Fool’s Day deal – Scuba Golf! We hope you’re not too teed off it’s not a real deal… To make up for the disappointment, we thought we’d take you behind the scenes of how a deal like that is set up!

A diver in a wetsuit and scuba mask, standing in an aquarium, holding a golf putter.

How’d You Come Up With the Idea?

We knew we wanted to do an April Fool’s Day prank – what better excuse for a laugh? So we asked around the office for ideas. There were some great ideas… and some not so great ideas too! Matt’s Scuba Golf idea was a clear winner though. He won some GrabOne credit and a year’s bragging rights.

A diver floating in an aquarium, with fish in the foreground of the image.

How’d You Fake the Pictures?

The short answer is – we didn’t! Scuba Golf’s not a real sport – but those photos are genuine! We asked a local aquarium very nicely if we couldn’t take some photos during their regular scuba dives… and if they wouldn’t mind taking a putter down with them. They said yes so it was just a matter of sneaking out of the office at lunch time (and hoping no one noticed we borrowed the putter from the office minigolf!).

The diver isn’t actually playing minigolf though – they couldn’t take a ball in as the fish would eat it! (We photoshopped a ball in on top of a couple of pictures afterwards.)

We had a whale of a time watching the fishes – it was a wonderful experience!

A diver, feeding dozens of hungry, excited fishes.

But That Video Looks Totally Fake!

That’s real too! We gave the divers our GoPro waterproof camera to hold, and stitched together the shots later with those professional looking transitions and captions.

Have another look at the deal, or rewatch the video below.

Here’s some extra-special bonus footage you won’t see anywhere else!

Got more questions? Ask them in the comments!